December 12, 2011


Pop It

How To Pop a Pimple On Your Cheek
-Stand in front of mirror
-lean forward with your upper body for a closer look
-turn your head to present cheek with pimple
examine pimple to see white topping, meaning maturity of pimple
-if ready or not, take your right index finder, place on pimple, check for tenderness
-with both index fingers, apply pressure to perimeter of pimple
-if no pop occurs change angle of index fingers
-brace for satisfaction, apply increased pressure to force out puss
-clean any fluids off of mirror

Bubba Gump Fishin' Boat

Coming into the class in the beginning of the semester, I thought that we would simply be making things out of clay or paper mache. Seeing what the other classes did, I realized that they were really limited to into what they could create. For us, I think that our class had the most creative projects because of how we were to conceptualize and put our own brand on each project. That's what I enjoyed most about this class. Being able to see everyone put their own stamp on each project with their own materials brought out the artist in all of us. I'm pretty pleased on the creations I made during the semester and how I was able to gross everyone out with my pimple.

December 5, 2011

Patricia Piccinini

still life with stem cells, 2002
sillicone, pollyurethane,clothing, human hair variable
game boys advanced, 2002
silicone,polyurethane,clothing,human hair
superevolution, 2000-2001
80x 80 cm
Digital C type Print
Edition of 30
the young family, 2002
silicon,polyurethane, human hair, leather, plywood
cyclepups: Angel, 2005
fiberglass,automative paint, leather and stainless steel

Patricia Piccinini was born in 1965 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. She is an Australian artist and hyperrealist sculptor. Her art work came to prominence in Australia in the late 1990s. In 2003 she was selected as the artist to represent Australia at the Venice Biennale. Patricia Piccinini looks at the current changes in technology in our world such as genetic engineering and virtual reality. She makes artworks about these subjects using the latest media materials and technology. Patricia Piccinini specializes in creating strange super real life forms. Her ongoing interest in with the possibilities of biotechnology can be seen in many of her works where she combines the mechanical, man made and engineered with the natural and organic. She will often make life size sculptures molded from silicone, acrylic and other materials but also works digitally, in the form of film, photography or multimedia installations.