November 21, 2011

Antony Gromely

Exposure, 2011, Steel
Aperture XVII, 2011, Steel
Fuse, 2011, Wood
Cumulate II, 2011, Aluminum
Abstract, 2011, Wood
Antony Gormley was born in London in 1950.  In a career spanning nearly 40 years, Antony Gormley has made sculpture that explores the relation of the human body to space at large, explicitly in large installations.  Gormley challenges the viewer by presenting an opening of power through the suspension of moral and spatial coordinates.  I liked Gormley because he used natural materials and geometric shapes.  I think these two concepts are what helps his work thrive in that it is recognizable many different  ways.  My favorite piece is Aperture XVII there is a level of raw detail that really makes me want to examine the piece further.  it makes me feel like it isn't done at first glance but with further examination we can tell that there is major spatial and conceptual design behind it.

1 comment:

  1. These human shaped pieces don't have faces and some don't have a solid body. However, In the way they bend and the way they are shaped gives spirt and life to these pieces.
