Red Sails in the Sunset
Pushed Forward/Close By/Pushed Aside/Close By/With Graceful Haste
Niter and Brimestone Kept Apart
Steel Pennies That Did Not Come From Heaven Strewn
Wave After Wave
Lawrence Weiner is one of the most significant and iconic artists of our generation. Throughout his practice he has pursued inquiries into language and a radical redefinition of the artist/viewer relationship. Translating his investigations into linguistic structures and visual systems across varied formats and manifestations, he has produced books, films, videos, performances and audio works. The belief at the core of Lawrence Weiner's work is that art is a material reality between human beings and objects and between sets of objects in relation to human beings. Weiner considers language to be a sculptural material and believes that a construction in language can function as sculpture as adequately as a fabricated object. His statement of intent published in 1969 states:
The Artist May Construct The Work, The Work May Be Fabricated, The Work Need Not Be Built, and Each Being Equal And Consistent With The Intent Of The Artist The Decision As To Condition Rests With The Receiver Upon The Occasion Of Receivership.
As a proposition or statement, each work need not be confined to an existence in one realised form, place or time but might be constructed in different contexts.